Dimi Kalyn embarked on his journey of self-discovery in 2017. He began to meditate in the meditation rooms of Google while working as a software engineer, stumbling upon the practice and recognizing its potent ability to pacify the perpetually active mind. During this exploration, Dimi also uncovered the profound influence of neuroplasticity on the brain's capacity to reorganize and form new neural connections.
His approach, deeply rooted in both logic and intuition, is tailored to help others find balance and alignment in their process.
What truly sets Dimi apart is his ability to apply his analytical skills to the self-growth domain, offering a method of guidance that is both scientifically grounded and deeply empathetic. His work is a testament to the power of bridging the gap between the logical and the intuitive, making him a valuable mentor for those looking to deepen their meditation practice and align their energy in a holistic manner. Through his unique journey and method, Dimi stands out as a guiding light in the field of energetic wellness.
Energetic Bodywork under the guidance of Elliot Saxby, 2018 - 2023, certification in 2023.
ISTA (International School of Temple Arts), Level 1 & Level 2, 2022.